Tháng Một 16, 2022
3Rd Party Payment Agreement
B. Bank transfers are accepted for international payments. Please note that our bank may charge a small fee to receive money by bank transfer. Below is the information you need to provide to your bank: The third-party coordinator must have a valid authorization from your organization/company. The letter of authorization or voucher must be on the letterhead of the organization or company and contain the original signature of an official authorized to make the payment on behalf of the organization or company. Authorization must be sent to the following individuals before the payment due date: If the organization requires them to be billed directly prior to payment, the student may ask the campus to accept a third-party contract. The Billing and Payment Services Office (BPS) coordinates third-party contracts (CTPs). Once the letter of authorization has been received and processed by Billing and Payment Services, a conditional credit will be credited to the student`s account. A conditional credit on the student`s account does not mean that the payment has been received by the sponsor. NOTE: Letters of authorization for 529 plans will be processed after the add/remove period. (1) Except as provided in subsection (a)(2) of this clause, the Contractor agrees to accept payments due under this Agreement by a third party in lieu of payments directly from the Government in accordance with the terms of this clause. The third party and, if applicable, the government commercial acquisition card to be used are specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
(2) A government-wide commercial acquisition card shall not be accepted as a means of payment for a period during which the Allocation Management System (SMA) indicates that the contractor has outstanding debts that are recovered under the Consolidated Revenue Fund Compensation Program (TOP). For more information about TOP, see If the SAM later indicates that the contractor no longer has any outstanding debts, the contractor may apply to the contractor to authorize government-wide commercial acquisition card payment. Payment by the sponsoring organization is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Referral agencies may send payments by cheque by mail or bank transfer: (e) Assignment of Claims. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if payment is made in accordance with this clause, no payment under this Agreement will be assigned in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement relating to the assignment of receivables or the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940 (31 U.S.C.3727, 41 U.S.C.6305). Once the payment is received by UC Berkeley, it will be transferred to the sponsoring agency`s account. If a referral agency does not transfer the payment in full, the fee for the outstanding balance will be refunded to the student`s account.
Temple University requires your organization/company`s approval to enter into a billing agreement with a third-party provider that allows the university to bill your organization/company directly for authorized student account fees. Note: To ensure timely booking of payments, it is important that important information about the student is included in the transfer, especially the invoice number, first and last name of the student and/or the student identification number. (c) Payment. The Contractor and the Third Party agree that payments due under this Agreement will be made after the submission of payment requests to the Third Party in accordance with the terms of an agreement between the Contractor, the Contractor`s financial agent (if any) and the Third Party and its representatives (if any). Until such an agreement is concluded, no payment is due to the Contractor. Payments made or due by third parties under this clause are not government payments and are not subject to the Prompt Payment Act or its implementation in this Agreement. Students whose organization/company has not authorized full payment of all tuition and fees are responsible for paying the remaining fees on the due date of the invoice. (1) Except as provided in clause (b) (2) of this clause, the Contractor shall make claims for payment by means of a royalty on the Government`s account with the third party at that time and for the amount due in accordance with the terms of this Agreement authorizing the Contractor to submit invoices, requests for contractual financing, other claims for payment, or as provided for in other clauses that provide for payment to the contractor. * Acceptance of the agreement is at the discretion of UC Berkeley students have four responsibilities as a third-party billing student: Any student whose organization/company does not pay the authorized fees at the end of the semester will cancel their conditional credit and will be responsible for paying any outstanding fees.
If multiple students are sponsored by the agency, a list may be submitted on a single letter of authorization, provided that the terms of the agreement are the same for all students. If the conditions are different for a student, a separate letter of authorization must be submitted for that person. Third party billing (contract) is the process by which Temple University charges an external organization/company all or part of a student`s tuition and/or fees. Third-party billing is unique in that the external organization or company requires an invoice from the university before transferring the payment. Settlement with third parties (contract) is subject to the same federal reporting obligations as other financial assistance. If you expect a third party to pay your tuition and other fees, special arrangements must be made with the third party coordinator before invoices can be issued to the third party. A third-party organization may sponsor a student`s enrollment by committing to pay a student`s mandatory tuition and enrollment fees. Most organizations grant sponsorships through an application process. Once the beneficiary students are identified, the organization sends the money to the school with instructions for processing the prizes. External scholarships for students must be sent to the Financial Aid Office; Scholarships for doctoral students are managed by the Graduate Division.
(2) If the Contractor has informed the Contractor that the government-wide commercial acquisition card is no longer an authorized method of payment, the Contractor shall make such claims for payment in accordance with the Contractor`s instructions during the period during which the acquisition card is not authorized. (f) Other Terms of Payment. The other payment terms of this agreement govern the content and submission of payment requests. If a clause requires information or documents in or with the payment request that are not contained in the agreement with third parties referred to in paragraph (c) of this clause, the contractor must obtain instructions from the customer before submitting such a payment request. . For example, if the letter of authorization states that a student is sponsored for “the entire school year, we will administer a scholarship for each semester of the academic year, including the summer semester. Any other non-sponsored questions can be directed to Cal Student Central at 510-664-9181. .